A New Senior Advisor Position

There is a lot of excitement about the fact that there has been a new position added, making Ms. Dashiff the new senior advisor. What does this mean for the senior grade?

Ramaz created a new advisory system last year. The freshmen have an administrator as an advisor. Sophomore year, they get handed off to another faculty advisor for the next two years. Senior year, the student has a college advisor to help them with the college process but no longer has a separate faculty advisor. This year, the school seemed to fill this gap by adding an additional senior advisor beyond the college advisors and the Grade Dean

“The seniors are given college advisors and have a grade dean, but a lot of seniors over the years have felt that they missed having an advisor. The college advisor is getting them into college, and the grade dean navigates them through the year, but they miss that piece of an advisor,” said Ms. Dashiff. She explained that she can assist students with their coursework and day-to-day senior-year issues.

As senior Grade Dean, Rabbi Sklarin is responsible for the whole grade, so it is very difficult to support so many individuals’ needs. Since this new role was created, senior students now have two people they can turn to in school for support. This is something that many seniors have requested over the years. 

Ms. Dashiff has many goals to share. The first is that “the seniors should have a successful and enjoyable year. It can be overwhelming, and I want them to have enough people to support them so they can enjoy the year. I don’t want them to lose out on the last year of school, and I want that to be a part of their final year at Ramaz.” Hopefully, this position will become permanent so seniors in years to come will also benefit from having that extra support system.