The official newspaper of the Ramaz Upper School

The Rampage

The official newspaper of the Ramaz Upper School

The Rampage

The official newspaper of the Ramaz Upper School

The Rampage

Meet the Editors! 2022-2023

Meet the Editors! 2022-2023

Andrew Spielfogel ’23 December 11, 2022

Note from the editors: We are beyond excited to be your Rampage Editors-in-Chief this year! Together with our hard-working and talented team, we hope to produce an engaging newspaper that is an accurate...

A Freshie’s View: Interviewing Asher Rosenfeld

A Freshie’s View: Interviewing Asher Rosenfeld

Rachel Buller '25 December 11, 2022

RB: What Middle School did you attend? AR: I went to Ramaz Middle School. RB: Have you become friends with kids who didn’t go to Ramaz Middle School AR: Yes, I've made friends with a few new...

YU Science Research Internship

YU Science Research Internship

Romi Chaovat ’24 December 11, 2022

The rigorous lifestyle every scientist has to experience at one point in their scientific journey is the one of PCR: Pipette, Cry, Repeat. In reality, PCR refers to a polymerase chain reaction. But, as...

Jordan Mittler ‘22: A Young Wonder

Jordan Mittler ‘22: A Young Wonder

Andrew Spielfogel ’23 January 24, 2022

He walked up to the stage with confidence as he received a notable award. At just age 17, he is changing the world and receiving the credit for it. The award recipient is Jordan Mittler ‘22, and on December...

Image credit: iStock.

The Highs and Lows of Type 1 Diabetes

Eve Schizer ’22 November 18, 2021

In honor of November, Diabetes awareness month. Over the years, some of you surely have had questions about me, such as:  How come I obsessively check my Apple watch?  Why does my phone emit...

Eliza Binstock on Mach Hach BaAretz.

Eliza Binstock’s Experience on Mach Hach Ba’Aretz

Rebecca Kalimi ’23 October 14, 2021

Compared to last summer, this past summer was full of endless opportunities. With COVID-19 mandates becoming more lenient in Israel due to decreasing cases, summer Israel programs restarted, and Ramaz...

Ian Bernsteins Year on Zoom

Ian Bernstein’s Year on Zoom

Rachel Abelson ’24 October 14, 2021

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, last year students were divided between zoom and in-person classes. Ian Bernstein ‘24, who has been a Ramaz student since kindergarten, was one of three students in this...

Looking Back: Highlights of 2020-2021

Looking Back: Highlights of 2020-2021

Sydney Eisenstein ’22 July 19, 2021

While this year was void of many regular activities at Ramaz, the administration and faculty worked hard to create various trips, programs, and activities to supplement those losses. The school year began...

Seniors ’21: Thanks for the Memories....

Seniors ’21: Thanks for the Memories….

MY FIRST IMPRESSION OF THE GRADE WAS: Isaac Silverman: That everyone was really nice and friendly, especially when we went to Central Park and did all those team-building activities.  Hannah Dubroff:...

Are School Publications Getting Read?

Are School Publications Getting Read?

Sarah Silverman  ’24 July 19, 2021

The school newspaper is the eyes and ears of the school. One has to wonder if people actually read it. " I mean, I read the paper," said Adrian Rosenfeld '24, "I see it by the desk sometimes and pick it...

Russian Culture Club, Клуб русской культуры

Russian Culture Club, Клуб русской культуры

Emily Vayner ‘23 July 19, 2021

Growing up in a home of Borscht and Babushkas, I realized that my school didn’t have the same cultural influence I did. Once I found my Russian community in Ramaz, I realized that I can bring my home...

Latin American Culture Club Meet the People of “What Happened to the Bees?”

Latin American Culture Club Meet the People of “What Happened to the Bees?”

Emily Vayner ’23 June 6, 2021

As a part of the Spanish Language curriculum at Ramaz, several of Dra. Roldán’s classes had the opportunity to watch Adriana Otero’s documentary, “¿Qué les pasó a las abejas?” or “What happened...

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