Saving the World One Bottle at a Time


Every year, millions of plastic water bottles pollute Earth’s oceans, building up waste that disrupts ecosystems and natural habitats. The mission of the Ramaz Environmental Club is to create an awareness of environmental pollution and to encourage people to develop a culture and lifestyle of sustainability based on this awareness. The Environmental Club is constantly championing public awareness in our school and the greater community. For instance, they started composting lunch scraps, organized Tu B’shvat programs and of course, the Luv Your Lulav program that engaged local synagogues and one in Atlantic Beach.  

Recently, the club decided to keep it simple in order to get every student involved and engaged, while at the same time, showing off their school pride. Disposable plastic water bottles in Ramaz have become ubiquitous, particularly during the COVID-19 era when the water fountains are locked and sharing a water fountain has become a less attractive option anyway. The vending machines have been spewing disposable plastic water bottles continuously. The club’s new initiative was to design an environmentally friendly metal water bottle displaying  the attractive “green ram” logo.

If the entire student body and faculty gets behind the project, we can keep thousands of plastic bottles from being added to the plastic pollution problem, while staying hydrated, and showing off our school pride. The new motion sensor water filling stations should make this task seamless. When asked how students felt about this program, they all responded enthusiastically. Daniela Woldenberg ’23 said, “This year, we are not able to drink from the water fountains as usual, therefore, more people are buying plastic water bottles. It’s not only good in the sense that we’re cutting down on plastic waste but that the proceeds are going to a good cause.” A portion of the proceeds will be going to an environmental charitable cause. 

Additionally, this initiative reinforces a commitment to sustainability at Ramaz, which is recognized by new and existing students. Jem Hanan ’23 said “I think it spreads the message that we are environmentally aware. Coming from my old school, everybody was buying plastic water bottles everyday. At Ramaz, seeing everyone with reusable water bottles spreads a positive message. I also really like the design.” Arielle Butman ’21 said that “I think it’s a good incentive on Ramaz’s behalf. A lot of people don’t understand the repercussions of constantly buying water from the vending machines. These reusable water bottles set a new standard that students can integrate into their lives.”

Having Ramaz students and faculty en masse get behind this project will be a significant step in achieving awareness of the enormous challenge we have with plastic waste in our waters. By toting this attractive water bottle, each individual can openly display their connection to the environment as well as their allegiance to Ramaz, all while staying hydrated and saving money. Don’t keep your environmental concerns all bottled up, go out there and show it off!