Q&A: Getting to Know Rabbi Yehoshua Segal, Student Activities


Rabbi Segal has joined the Ramaz staff this year as a Student Activities Coordinator. He is a 10th grade advisor this year and has an office up on the 7th floor right next to the music room. Rabbi Segal works closely with Rabbi Dov to make all of our activities and trips such as the grade-wide Shabbatons. 

Rachel Abelson: Where did you grow up?

Rabbi Yehoshua Segal: I grew up on the Lower East Side. 

RA: How did you become involved in student activities?

YS: I got into student activities because of my background in the informal education world. I currently spend and have spent many summers at Camp Mesorah where I’m the head counselor and I’ve worked for New York NCSY for a couple of years at this point as their Advisor Coordinator.

RA: Where were you before coming to Ramaz?

YS: I was at Yeshiva University and working for NCSY.

RA: What brought you to Ramaz?

YS: Through the interview process, I noticed a few things that really made Ramaz the place I wanted to be. There was a great vibe among the faculty, the students loved Ramaz as an institution, everyone was excited to accomplish and innovate exciting events and opportunities within the student activities department after over a year of being limited because of the pandemic.

RA: Any upcoming events/trips planned?

YS: Yes! Freshmen are heading out this week to the Adventure Park Ropes Course and plans are in the works for every grade to be on a trip in the near future!

RA: Do you think we are going to have color war this year?

YS: That’s the big question everyone is asking… I guess we’ll have to wait and see!

RA: How do you see COVID-19 impacting student activities?

YS: At this point, I don’t think covid will impact so much of what we want to do. I hope that’s not a jinx!

RA: What is your role as a student advisor? What does your advisory do during the time they spend with you?

YS: To support the students in any way they need! We’ve only had one advisory at this point but in the future, they’ll be a combination of fun and making it worthwhile for everyone involved!

RA: What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

YS: I’m a big sports fan so I go to and watch lots of games. It’s been tough as a New York sports fan recently but hopefully, the Yankees and Nets could win a championship while the Jets continue to improve! Additionally, I enjoy learning new things so I try to read a lot and listen to podcasts on a variety of topics.

RA: What new programming do you want to bring to school this year?

YS: Shabbatonim! It’s awesome to get to spend time with students outside the classroom in a more relaxed setting while celebrating Shabbat together! In terms of specifics, that is yet to be decided but the goal is to give the students a memorable experience outside of the classroom as well!

RA: What is one fun fact about you?

YS: I’m a triplet! Also, I once won an organized Rock/Paper/Scissors tournament with about 100 players!