Winter Sports Update
This year Ramaz had nine teams compete in winter sports, including girls and boys JV and Varsity basketball, girls JV and Varsity volleyball, boys JV and Varsity floor hockey, and an ice hockey team.
Girls JV basketball had a rough season, winning only two of their 10 games. The team’s biggest rivals have historically included SAR and Frisch. Unfortunately, the JV team lost by over twenty points against both teams. While the team did not make the playoffs, they did have some exciting games during the season. Their most intense game was against Bruriah, a match which went back-and-forth until the girls ended up losing the nail-biter by a few points. The team’s captains were sophomores Michal Seinfeld, Caitlin Levine, Gabby Sakhai, and Sophia Ratzker. These four captains led the team to their two victories, but overall, the JV girls’ basketball team had a disappointing season.
The girls’ varsity basketball team—led by seniors Becky Tauber, Elizabeth Aufzien, Natalie Kahn, and Shireen Sakhai—has had a better season and currently stands at 9-3. The team’s leading scorers are Becky Tauber ’19 and Sophia Kremer ’20, and its biggest competition this year has been Central. In that vein, the team’s toughest loss was to Central on the road in a night where it seemed that no one stepped up. The team avenged this loss by beating Central on their home court by only four points, and Ramaz ultimately placed second in its division. The team won their first playoff game against Mayaanot and is currently preparing for their semifinal game against rival SAR and still holds hope of bringing home a banner to our gym.
Boys’ JV basketball has had a very average season so far and currently stand at 5-5, their biggest rival being TABC. Despite the .500 record, excitingly, the team made it to the playoffs and has their first game soon. The team’s most intense game and toughest lost was against Heschel as the game went into overtime. The team’s leading scorers are sophomores Jake Slochowsky (the team captain and point guard) and Alex Zemmol. Unfortunately, the team lost its quarter-final playoff game 39-63 against TABC.
Boys’ varsity basketball had an up-and-down season and ended 4-9. Sadly, the team did not make it to the playoffs. Just like the JV team, varsity had a really intense game against Heschel. The game went into overtime and the Ramaz team lost with an insane buzzer beater shot by the other team. The team’s captains were Aaron Shapira ’19 and Ryan Leibowitz ’20. Sophomore Spencer Rubenstein was the lead scorer and had a solid season. Expectations will by high going into next year as the Varsity team returns many of its great players and will have the additions from the JV team to supplement the current roster.
After having a winning final record for several years, girls’ JV volleyball went 2-5 and they did not make the playoffs. Their biggest rival was Frisch. Their most notable game was against SAR, as the match went back and forth seemingly for eternity. The team’s four sophomore captains were Daniella Norman, Maya Chavot, Esther Cabot, and Vicki Sopher. Its worst loss was against Frisch, where the game lasted all of ten minutes.
Following its three-peat championship, the girls’ varsity volleyball team is quite strong and currently sit at 7-3. Not surprisingly, the team is going to the playoffs. While many feel that their biggest rival is Frisch, their most intense game this year was against an undefeated Maayanot. It was tight until the end, but ultimately, Ramaz came out with the victory. The team’s captains are Sarah Genachowski ’19 (also lead scorer) and Laura Lancman ’19. The hardest loss of the season was their rematch against Maayanot, as they lost to the team they had previously beaten. The team hopes to have a long playoff run as the season continues.
When it comes to floor hockey, it is hard to tell if the parents or the players are more serious about the game. As exciting as it is to watch Yeshiva League floor hockey, many fans come to watch the parents, who can become extremely worked up during an intense game such as at the Alan T. Brown tournament in January. The boys JV floor hockey team ended the season at 7-4. Its biggest rival was TABC. Oddly, the team doesn’t have captains, although Eitan Linhart ’21 is its leading scorer. One match against SAR was particularly dramatic, as it was high scoring and Ramaz had a lot of rowdy supporters. The team’s toughest regular season game was against Frisch, because it lost 3-2 in a game they could have won. The team made it to playoffs but unfortunately lost to DRS.
Boys’ varsity hockey also had a solid season and were 8-4-1-0. Its biggest rival was SAR, and not surprisingly, they played an intense tie game against them filled with with fighting. The team’s captains are Matthew Gurewitsch ’19, Jack Ottensoser ’19, Michael Perl ’19, and Eddie Catton ’20 (leading scorer). The team made the playoffs, but their run did not last long. The team’s toughest loss was in the playoffs against HAFTR, where the Ramaz team played really hard and came up short.
The newest addition to the winter sports season is ice hockey. The team is 3-0-0-1, only suffering an overtime loss. Their biggest rival on the ice is SAR. The SAR game was extreme, with both teams evenly matched. Matthew Gurewitsch ’19 is the captain and leading scorer. The team hopes to go far in the playoffs.
While many teams experienced positive seasons, only four teams still hold out hope for bringing home a banner. We hope that by the next edition we will be reporting success from the remaining four playoff teams: Girls Varsity Basketball, Boys JV Basketball, Girls Varsity Volleyball, and the Ice Hockey team. Go Ramaz!

Caitlin Levine loves journalism, is an avid writer, and is thrilled to be an editor-in-chief of The Rampage. Caitlin has actively contributed to The Rampage...